The TechMed EventProgrammeVascular diseases from an clinical and research perspective

Vascular diseases from an clinical and research perspective

Merging expertise, the key to boost the clinical outcome in aneurysm treatment
Whether EVAR is useful for the individual patient with an AAA or whether this technique is considered to be a failed experiment is being discussed by respected clinicians and technicians with great passion and even fire. The various guidelines seem to be at odds with each other and also benchtop testing and clinical outcomes are often conflicting. Based on that, what should the clinician say when the patient asks, 'what would you do in my situation, doc’? This theme session sheds light on the future of EVAR from a historical perspective. Will you know what your advice would be to the AAA patient at the end of this session?

  • When: November 3 
  • Time: 14.00 - 16.00
  • How: Live & Digital
  • For whom: All attendees
  • Host: Prof.dr. Bob Geelkerken & Erik Groot Jebbink

The programme

14.00 - 14.10

Welcome & Introduction
Prof.dr. Bob Geelkerken - University of Twente & Medisch Spectrum Twente 

14.10 - 14.30

The patient perspective
Is endovascular aortic aneurysm treatment a failed experiment or a blessing to the patient
Prof. Matthew Thompson - Endologix

14.35 - 14.50

14.50 - 15.05

The manufacturer perspective
...On Thrombogenicity
Dr. Robbie Brodie - Terumo Aortic

...On exoskeleton
Simon Overeem MSc. - Medtronic

15.10 - 15.25

15.25 - 15.40

Future perspectives  in the aortic dynamics 
Pulsatility and expansion; friend or enemy of sustainability
Jaimy Simmering MSc. - University of Twente & Medisch Spectrum Twente 

Desired and unwanted blood-vesselwall-graft interaction
Prof.dr. Michel Reijnen

15.40 - 16.00

Panel discussion
Moderated by Erik Groot Jebbink & Bob Geelkerken - University of Twente
Panel members: Prof.dr. Michel Versluis, Prof.dr. Michel Reijnen, Simon Overeem MSc., Ir. Remke Burie MBA

The speakers & abstracts